Free2B Coaching - Transformational Coaching with Melissa Rohlfs

Cultivating a healthy body image and relationship with food means ~

No more diets or “forbidden foods”

No more food guilt/food obsession

No more overeating/bingeing

No more uncontrollable cravings

Liking what you see in the mirror and being thankful for the body you have.

Welcome to Free 2 B Coaching!

Hi! I'm Melissa!

I help teen girls and women find freedom from the food struggle for good so that they can finally be at peace with food, themselves and their body.

You know how women and teen girls often struggle with food, whether it’s undereating, overeating, or constantly dieting? 

Well, what I do is help them find freedom from these food struggles by addressing the stress and emotional triggers behind them. 

I teach simple tricks to manage stress, make healthy eating easy, and feel better through natural, stress-free strategies for lasting change. 

My clients learn to think and feel differently about food, themselves, and their health and no longer struggle with or around food.  Instead of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and out of control around food, my clients feel at peace, empowered and confident.

Freedom is calling!

What if you could be free and feel at peace with food, your body, and your life? Well, sister ~ you can!

Struggling with food and your body is exhausting ...

You don’t go out to eat because you don’t know what to eat. You constantly think about food as  “good,” or “bad.” You’ve wasted so much time and money on trainers and programs yet still struggle. And that makes you feel ashamed, guilty and like there is something wrong with you and you wonder if you will ever like what you see in the mirror, or how your clothes fit.

There is NOTHING wrong with you.

There is A LOT wrong with the DIEt industry.

Grab the free goodies to learn how to find freedom from these struggles {There is one for teen girls and one for women.} It’s time to ditch diets so you can nourish your soul.

Just Imagine!

Imagine a life where you don't...

Feel out of control around food.

Find yourself in the pantry eating a whole package of Oreos because you are stressed.

Use ice cream to calm down and relax, and to feel better at the end of a long day. 

Live by the latest diet plan or program out there. 

Dislike what you see in the mirror, or how your clothes fit.

This can become your reality.

Get started today by grabbing the free goodies!

Meet Melissa Rohlfs

Author, Coach, and Your Biggest Cheerleader

Melissa found her way out of using food as a crutch and turned her life’s lessons into a mission to help others. Her journey began in childhood, using food to cope with the uncontrollable chaos around her. This pattern stretched into her adult life, where diet after diet failed, until she dug deep into the real reasons behind her relationship with food. Today, Melissa uses insights from behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and healthy lifestyle design to guide teen girls and women toward freeing themselves from food struggles. Check out her free resources for a joyful, guilt-free relationship with food, and start your journey to freedom.


Melissa is so easy to talk to and I’ve always felt supported, encouraged, and that I had someone with resources for anything that came up.

There have been so many moments in this journey that were like a switch turned on and I just think and feel differently about food, myself, and my health. It’s truly empowering and I don’t feel stuck anymore.


The opportunity to have Melissa come along side me and encourage me in my health goals was such an amazing experience!  Each week she cheered me on in what I did well and kept encouraging me in other areas I still wanted to improve. She helped me to reframe my mindset and break away from fears. Melissa is such a great cheerleader for becoming your best self and I was able to achieve goals that didn’t feel attainable at the beginning.


You’ve been a huge help, such an encouragement, so supportive. I appreciate you. My daughter is in a more peaceful, healthy, independent place because of you. You truly care, and that makes all the difference, that and God.


Work With Melissa

Find Freedom From The Struggle With Food - For Good!

Ready to get off the diet rollercoaster and stop obsessing about food and your body? Then this program is the right one for you. 

Enough: Empowering High School Girls to Embrace Self-Love and Body Positivity

A 12-week self paced course for high school girls to love themselves, their bodies & be confident in who God made them to be.

Find Freedom From The Struggle With Food - Free Video Series

In this free video mini course, you learn the reasons we struggle with food in the first place and how to find freedom from food struggles in 4 simple steps.

Nourishing Confidence: Empower Your High School Daughter to Cultivate a Healthy Body Image and Relationship with Food

This free kit helps to boost your high school daughter's self-esteem and fosters positive eating habits.


Finding Freedom

“Finding Freedom” is my own story, beginning with a difficult childhood all the way to adulthood as a young wife and mother. Even though I appeared to be successful and fulfilled on the outside, poor eating habits and the inability to cope with the many demands of life told a different story. But this wasn’t the end of my story; I started seeking out all the resources available: support from our church, health programs and life coaching. It was life changing. This led me to become a certified Health and Life Coach to share what I learned with you.


Amazon Review
"The author really bares her soul sharing her deepest secrets about her unhealthy relationship with food. It takes a lot of courage to open up like this."

$8.60 - $11.99

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