It’s here. We’re officially heading into one of the busiest times of the year! Now that it’s the first weekend in November ~ Halloween is gone, Thanksgiving and Christmas are in sight {especially in the retail world!}
Before everything ramps up and gets cray ~ take some time to get prepared NOW.
A small amount of effort now will help you cruise through the holidays without all the stress.
It all begins with taking care of YOU.
When life gets hectic, one of the first things to drop off our to-do lists are our healthy habits. Which is ironic, since taking a little time for yourself each day will help you get through the craziness with less stress.
Here are some tips to stay ahead of the game:
1. Try to make a simple meal plan each week during the holidays, so you can avoid too many on-the-go meals. Holiday treats are notoriously high in salt, fat, and sugar, which will just leave you feeling bloated and blah.
But more importantly, eating sugary foods affects the good bacteria in your gut {that helps you fight off cold and flu viruses}, which can have a negative impact on your immune system. Ever wonder why cold and flu season seems more prevalent after Halloween? 🙂
What are some easy meals you can throw together at the last minute? Our go-to’s are turkey burgers with veggies, scrambled eggs {yes, even for dinner!}, grilled chicken. We normally do a protein, veggie and healthy fat.
Search “sheet pan recipes” on Google if you want to find some quick and easy meals that won’t take a lot of time!
2. Don’t compromise your exercise time. Keep your immune system happy and get in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise {like a brisk walk} most days of the week.
One study found that women who walked for a half-hour every day for a year had 50% fewer colds than those who didn’t. That’s because regular walking appears to lead to having more infection-fighting white blood cells.
Not only that, but exercise can help you fight stress. When you work out, your body releases more feel-good, mood-boosting hormones.
3. Make a list. If you have a hectic holiday schedule, start planning NOW so you can do as much ahead of time as possible. Running around at the last minute trying to get everything done is the absolute worst!
Put together a checklist of everything you have to do, and then do it, or assign it a date to do it. That helps me feel in control of my schedule!
4. Relax. Make time for family and friends, and enjoying old traditions or making new ones.
Let go of expectations of how you think things “should” go, and enjoy them as they are! It’s often the things that happen out of the ordinary that we look back on with a smile.
If you’re going to be alone or working over the holidays, make time to mark the occasion! Watch a movie, eat a special meal, or treat yourself to a spa session.
I’ve got more goodies for handling holiday stress coming up and I’ve also got something special coming up…
If you know the holidays are stressful, overwhelming and feel like a LOT, so grab this guide on how to destress.
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Melissa found her way out of using food as a crutch and turned her life’s lessons into a mission to help others. Her journey began in childhood, using food to cope with the uncontrollable chaos around her. This pattern stretched into her adult life, where diet after diet failed, until she dug deep into the real reasons behind her relationship with food. Today, Melissa uses insights from behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and healthy lifestyle design to guide teen girls and women toward freeing themselves from food struggles. Check out her free resources for a joyful, guilt-free relationship with food, and start your journey to freedom.