Intermittent Fasting.
Whole 30.
The list goes on and on, doesn’t it? I just listed out what this “mom brain” could think of at 6:30 on a weeknight evening. Diet culture has been on my mind a LOT lately. Why? Probably because I work with women who are up to their eyeballs in the diet culture mindset. You may have no idea what I’m talking about, so I’d like to share some of what I see and hear in working with women to find TRUE freedom {the fact is no diet plan can give you freedom…that comes from changing your mindset and habits in relationship to food and not something any diet plan can do for you.} I’m brokenhearted over the mental and emotional turmoil I see women in due to diet culture. UGH.
So, where does all of this confusion and overwhelm come from? DIET CULTURE. We have lost touch with how to listen to our bodies, how to honor our hunger and fullness {most of us were never taught this, I wasn’t until I went to school}……what foods work for us, as we are so busy trying the latest diet of the week because we haven’t broken up with the mindset of what works for one, works for all. IT DOESN’T. It’s a lie. You are unique, your body is unique and trying to put on a diet without regards to that is just a trap. It’s not your fault sweet friend, that your relationship with food isn’t healthy. Look at all the mixed messages we get. Scroll your newsfeed and you’ll see enough in a few minutes.
In all honesty, this is a part of why I went to school to become a certified health coach. Prior to coaching, I was a Beachbody coach, which means I paid to join the company to sell their products to help others lose weight. In all honesty, I really did feel like I was helping people at the time. However, looking back now, I realize I didn’t have the tools in my toolbox outside of the Beachbody offerings. If they didn’t buy the products, I wasn’t equipped to help them. That’s why I went to school…..I saw a deeper issue. Due to my own relationship/history with food, it took a lot more than a workout and shake for me to heal my relationship with food, my relationship with myself. Because again, if your relationship with food isn’t healthy, no diet program/plan can touch that. That’s behavior modification. For habit change, you have to do the inner work. That’s what I learned about in coaching school, and why I went to school. If you’re like me and sick and tired of diet culture and want to find TRUE freedom, I invite you to join me on a free personalized food struggle assessment call. You can schedule yours here. It would be a joy, delight and honor to journey with you to freedom, sister.
And, be sure to grab my free resource on 7 Ways to Body Freedom and Peace here, so you can start to find freedom and peace.
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Melissa found her way out of using food as a crutch and turned her life’s lessons into a mission to help others. Her journey began in childhood, using food to cope with the uncontrollable chaos around her. This pattern stretched into her adult life, where diet after diet failed, until she dug deep into the real reasons behind her relationship with food. Today, Melissa uses insights from behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and healthy lifestyle design to guide teen girls and women toward freeing themselves from food struggles. Check out her free resources for a joyful, guilt-free relationship with food, and start your journey to freedom.