If you have tried every diet under the sun, every pill, every patch, every latest product on the market to lose weight and are not seeing results, this is for you! In this video series, I break down the real reasons why you’re not really losing weight even after trying all the things, so that you can finally stop dieting and lose weight for good! Grab yours here.
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Melissa found her way out of using food as a crutch and turned her life’s lessons into a mission to help others. Her journey began in childhood, using food to cope with the uncontrollable chaos around her. This pattern stretched into her adult life, where diet after diet failed, until she dug deep into the real reasons behind her relationship with food. Today, Melissa uses insights from behavioral psychology, neuroscience, and healthy lifestyle design to guide teen girls and women toward freeing themselves from food struggles. Check out her free resources for a joyful, guilt-free relationship with food, and start your journey to freedom.